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About Tim Young

Born in Milford, Delaware, U.S.A., in 1950, Tim moved to Ontario, Canada with his family at the age of fifteen where he now resides.


While on duty in South Korea with the U.S. Air Force Tim purchased his first SLR camera. This began a love for photography as he traveled throughout Korea documenting the people, places and everyday life of that culture.


As a self-taught photographer, Tim has traveled throughout Europe and North America, in addition to visits to Hawaii,  Morocco, Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic, and Haiti.


Tim enjoys various photographic disciplines but specializes in abstract and minimalist photos.



1998 - 2002 The Fine Arts Academy


Grants & Awards 

2001 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

2006 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

2009 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.


Exhibitions & Festivals

2006 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

2008 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

2009 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.



2002 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

2006 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

2009 - I'm a title. ​Click here to edit me.

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